The Bartholini's gland
The Bartholin’s gland is sometimes surgically removed when it becomes inflamed and infected recurrently. If gynecologists refer to it as “the tomb of the gynecologist,” there is likely a reason for that…
Bartholini's gland excision
Surgical Technique
Excision and reconstruction by layers
30 minutes
Rare (infections, hematomas)
Postoperative Pain
Poor if common painkillers are used
2/4 weeks
Excision of recurrent Bartholini's gland
Excision and reconstruction by layers
40/90 minutes, local anesthesia + sedation, day hospital
Poor if common painkillers are used
Rare (infections, hematomas)
2/4 weeks
Femifill® vulvar with painful outcome after Bartholini's gland excision.
Surgical Technique
Adipose tissue harvesting, appropriate processing of the same, multilayer implantation of different adipose preparations + CO2 vulvar laser.
60 /90 minutes, local anesthesia + sedation, day hospital
Rare (infections, hematomas)
Postoperative Pain
Poor if common painkillers are used
2/4 weeks
Sollevamento del pube
pube molle
Tecnica chirurgica
puboplastica +/- addominoplastica Laser assistita
60/180 min , sedazione o anestesia generale, day hospital o ricovero
rare (infezioni, ritardi di guarigione)
Dolore post operatorio
scarso se si utilizzano farmaci antidolorifici comuni
4 settimane
It concerns a gland located at the base of the vulva, in its lateral portions. Inflammation of the gland is quite common, but in most cases, inflammation resolves spontaneously or through antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy. There are many cases of recurrent inflammatory conditions that sometimes require incision of the gland and its removal. Since the gland’s position is quite delicate, situated near the anal sphincter and the lateral vulvar area and rich in nerve endings, its removal requires delicacy and precision.
Sometimes, the removal of the gland leads to the formation of painful scar tissue that causes pain during intercourse and sometimes spontaneously. It is common after removal to observe substance leakage with increased sensitivity in the operated area and spontaneous or exacerbated pain during palpation or intercourse.
Correction of the outcomes of gland removal or marsupialization involves a careful diagnosis of the issue, determining whether there is still residual glandular tissue or if it is solely residual scar tissue from the previous surgery. In the case of only scar tissue, the implantation of adipose tissue helps to elasticize and soften tissues, reducing the painful component significantly. In cases of residual glandular tissue, it is necessary to proceed with the removal of what remains inside the tissues after correctly identifying their position.
Riduzione non chirurgica delle piccole labbra
La riduzione non chirurgica delle piccole labbra che presentai per la prima volta nel 2012 al Congresso della Società Francese di Chirurgia Plastica (Optical Non Surgical Labial Reduction) consiste nell’aumento delle grandi labbra tanto da determinare una riduzione ottica della protrusione delle piccole. La tecnica è ideale nei casi di piccole labbra modestamente ipertrofiche e grandi labbra particolarmente svuotate. Il grande vantaggio è che non vi è incisione delle piccole labbra. L’evoluzione della metodica ha portato a migliorare la tecnica tanto da arrivare all’appiattimento del piccolo labbro mediante impianto di tessuto adiposo nella base del piccolo labbro medesimo.