Regeneration and stem cell medicine
Senescence/tissue impoverishment/dryness
Blood withdrawal, appropriate processing, injection with a very fine needle into the vulva and/or vagina.
40 minutes
Postoperative Pain
extremely rare
Senescence/tissue impoverishment/dryness
Harvesting adipose tissue, appropriate processing, fine needle injection into the vulva and/or vagina.
40 minutes
Postoperative Pain
extremely rare
Femifill® for vulvar lichen sclerosus.
Senescence/tissue impoverishment/dryness
Harvesting adipose tissue, appropriate processing, multilayer implantation of different adipose preparations, + vulvar CO2 laser treatment
60 /90 minutes
Postoperative Pain
Low if common pain relievers are used
Rare (infections, hematomas)
2/4 weeks
Full vulvo vaginal Femifill®
Senescence/tissue impoverishment/dryness
Adipose tissue harvesting, appropriate processing, multilayer implantation of different adipose preparations, + endovaginal and vulvar CO2 laser treatment
60 /90 minutes
Postoperative Pain
Low if common pain relievers are used
Rare (infections, hematomas)
2/4 weeks
It is the chapter in greater evolution. Regenerating damaged tissue (skin, subcutaneous tissue, or muscle), reinforcing a band supporting an organ, restoring a muscle’s ability to contract are just a few of the purposes of regenerative medicine. Some examples:
- Cutaneous atrophy of the vulva in lichen sclerosus, in the aftermath of radiotherapy, and in vulvar atrophy
- Mucosal atrophy of the vagina in menopause, chemotherapy-induced dryness, post-infectious stenosis
- Pain
- Chronic infections
- Deeper atrophies involving subcutaneous tissue, as in the case of severe lichen
- Retracting scars from episiotomy, vulvar, and vaginal surgery
- Muscle damage from surgery
- Poor muscle contraction capacity (as in incontinence where muscles around the urethra lose contraction capacity)
- Loss of organ support, as in cases of laxity and certain urinary incontinences
REGENERATION STRATEGIES: Regeneration can be achieved through: 1- Implantation of vital cells with high regenerative capacity taken from adipose tissue and appropriately treated. Depending on the procedure, the quality of the implanted cells varies. Fat graft, microfat graft, nanofat graft, millifat graft, and SVF (Stromal Vascular Fraction) denote adipose preparations with very different characteristics. For example, fat graft and nanofat graft also contain mature adipose cells of large size (thus with regenerative and volumizing capacity), while SVF is a regenerative bomb because it is a concentrate of stemness. 2- Growth factor implantation: PRP, or platelets obtained from blood sampling that is appropriately treated. PRP does not contain vital cells but growth factors that aid in the healing process and stimulate regeneration. 3- Energy stimulation: Laser, Radiofrequency, Focused Ultrasound, and LED are currently available technologies a. LASER: emission of light at a particular wavelength that targets a specific element: water, pigment, blood vessels. For the genital area, the two lasers used are CO2 and Erbium. Each with different characteristics, they aim to stimulate cell regeneration. Their action is very superficial. The effectiveness is demonstrated by numerous published studies. b. RADIOFREQUENCY: an electromagnetic wave that penetrates deeper than laser and stimulates through heating deeper structures than those treated by lasers. c. FOCUSED ULTRASOUND: heat developing at a convergence point between two incident echoes. It is a very promising technology but still in the initial stage. d. LED: cold light proving useful in controlling superficial infections and bacterial load
4- Carbon dioxide injection stimulation (Carboxytherapy): a very useful treatment if used in very small quantities because it increases vascularization. 5- Synergies: often, combined treatments help and enhance each other. For example, PRP works better if the skin or mucosa is simultaneously treated with CO2 laser, lipofilling (adipose transplant) works better if the subcutaneous tissue is treated with carboxytherapy. What one treatment doesn’t do, the other does. Pelvic floor rehabilitation, exercise, appropriate nutrition are part of a comprehensive approach that leads to the best results.
Effetti collaterali
Controindicazioni al trattamento
La radiofrequenza per il ringiovanimento genitale femminile estetico e funzionale
La tecnica è basata sulla radiofrequenza quadripolare dinamica Il suo obiettivo è quello risolvere molti problemi ginecologici sia Estetici che Funzionali, stimolando una risposta rigenerativa dei tessuti dove serve. COMEAGISCE Quando la RDF quadripolare dinamica raggiunge i tessuti, il riscaldamento selettivo prodotto, induce ad una serie di reazioni benefiche:
• migliora il microcircolo a livello dei tessuti
• aumenta l’idratazione della delicata mucosa, riducendo l’ atrofia vulvovaginale comune a quasi tutte le donne in menopausa e responsabile di secchezza, bruciore, prurito e dispareunia (dolore durante i rapporti)
• stimola la produzione naturale di collagene, sostanza fondamentale che ha tra le varie funzioni, anche quella di regolare la quantità di acqua presente nella cute, restituendo elasticità e compattezza all’area vulvare e al canale vaginale
• riduce il dolore vulvare e vestibolare, migliorando la qualità di vita
• contrasta l’ incontinenza urinaria da sforzo di lieve entità
• migliora il trofismo dei tessuti, cioè l’ossigenazione e il nutrimento a livello locale, con ripercussioni positive sia estetiche sia funzionali nell’area trattata
• esercita un effetto lifting, rendendo i tessuti più turgidi ed elastici, donando un aspetto più giovane a livello vulvare e una sensazione di maggior tono a livello introitale.